Tag Archives: Clay County Alabama


It’s a rite of passage in our country– learning how to drive.  From the time I first became a teenager, I lived for getting my permit at age 15 and my license at 16.  It was the longest wait of my life. 

All my childhood I loved playing with little toy cars– the cheap ones made out of five inches of molded plastic.  My neighbor Cathy and I would play for hours with them, making roads in the dirt with our hands until our hands were raw and caked with red dirt.  It only took one summer rain shower to  obliterate our little homemade town of highways, streets, and driveways, but we were always eager to get back out there the next day and make new ones. When I was playing cars, I was driving those cars in my mind.

Continue reading DRIVING LESSONS


treeAny Christmas is magical for a child, but there may be none so magical as a child’s fifth Christmas.  At five-years old it suddenly dawns upon a little kid that Christmas is something really special.  What other time of the year is it OK  to actually bring a tree into the house and decorate it with colorful lights?  And at what other time does a grown-up look at a kid and say, “Make a list of all the toys you want?”  It’s like the total OPPOSITE of the rest of the year– when asking to buy a toy normally results in a firm “NO, we can’t afford that!” and where candy is frowned upon as bad for your teeth.  At Christmastime, kids attend parades where happy adults actually THROW CANDY AT THEM, and where it’s OK to scream and yell at the top of your lungs.  Nobody says “shhhhhh!”

Continue reading MY FIFTH CHRISTMAS