Category Archives: Biblical Truth


The Arabic letter N, short for NAZARENES– It is the name ISIS has given  to Christians.

On this week prior to our nation’s annual celebration of American Independence, I turn my thoughts to the billions of people worldwide who do not and have never enjoyed the blessings of liberty and freedom. I am especially focused on the plight of multiple millions of Christians worldwide who are under the gun, literally– for simply exercising their faith in Jesus Christ.

Believers in North Korea, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Yemen, and Eritrea can be legally hunted down and imprisoned, tortured, or killed for the “crime” of meeting together, praying together, owning a Bible, or trying to convince another person of the good news of Jesus Christ.

Continue reading THE PRESENT REALITY


Mark & Mike Sims enjoying an Auburn football game in 2015.

My brother, Dr. Mike Sims, has served as a family practice physician in Columbus, Georgia since the mid-1970’s.  For many years his practice included obstetrics– the delivery of babies.  Mike often expressed to me how much he enjoyed participating with God in the divine miracle of birth.  Mike has always been pro-life and has never wavered.  Obstetrics only strengthened his conviction that life begins at conception.

Sadly, sometimes even the best of care and the most effective medicines cannot prevent miscarriages.  In the early 1980’s my brother was in the midst of a one of those crisis moments with a young expectant mother, when something absolutely unexpected occurred.     Here is the incredible story.

Continue reading GASP


Charlotte Denson

Family stories are the best. Aunt Charlotte, my mother’s only sister and my granddaughter’s namesake, loves family stories as much as I do. Sometimes we laugh and carry-on during a phone call like nobody’s business!  I can seem to get Charlotte to laugh at almost anything, and we enjoy every moment of it.  When we’re not discussing politics, religion, or Auburn football, we are recalling and re-telling our family stories.  Aunt Charlotte and I are truly oral history junkies.



As a pastor, I am often called upon to conduct funeral services for members of our church family or for extended members of their families.  Every once in a while, I get a phone call from a local funeral home about a family who has no pastor, and am given the opportunity to come and minister to them.  It’s something I welcome, and know that it might be a divine appointment for a grieving family to hear about God’s love for them.

Continue reading MAYBELLE’S GRAVE


Make no mistake about it, I believe in the supernatural– miracles, dreams and visions.  Yes, to believe in the God of the Bible is to believe in His ability to do “anything.”  But not everything that God does looks like a miraculous healing, a dream or a vision. His agenda is much deeper than that.  He is most interested in transforming lives– resurrecting the spiritually dead to new life in Christ.

Here is the question:  If God can do anything, then can He also use anyone in getting His message across?  You’d better believe it!  Have you ever read the biblical story of Balaam and his donkey?  In the Autumn of 1978  I clearly saw it first hand.  I’ll never forget the night I had a brief encounter with a bona fide “hippy” named Sid.  Here’s the story.

Continue reading SID IN THE SPIRIT