Tag Archives: free will


Version 2Jesus is Lord. Lord of All  Period. Settled. Done. Nothing will ever change that.  But the question is, “Is He Lord of You?”

This, of course, is a statement that I have heard preached and taught since I was knee high to a grasshopper.  I heard it at least once at every youth camp, every youth revival, and every retreat that I ever attended, and I have taught it at least a thousand times myself since I have been in ministry.

But don’t become deaf to it.  There’s no place for jaded disciples.  It must be an important truth for so many to have made it a priority all these years.  In the English New Testament the word “Lord” appears 618 times– of which Jesus is personally addressed as “Lord” or “my Lord” 249 times.  It’s a big word and a big concept.  It’s synonyms are master, ruler, commander, and “one who exercises absolute ownership rights.”  Absolute ownership.  That’s big.

Doesn’t it seem odd to claim that He is Lord of ALL, without being MY Lord?   How does that make any sense?   Follow my logic.

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