Tag Archives: word curse


Last week I spent some time in a retail tire store waiting to get a new set of tires on my truck.  Using the down time to check my email on my smart phone, I found myself totally distracted by a meltdown that was occurring on the other end of the waiting area.  Some guy was not happy about his tires, and was letting the store employee know about it something fierce!cursing  Whoa!  I quickly looked around to make sure there were no women and children in earshot of his verbal tirade.  Although I was interested in what the tire guy had done wrong in case I needed to beware of buyers remorse, it was totally impossible to follow his logic since every other word made me cringe.  Fortunately, the two took it outside and I was spared the full performance.  Later I got a text from a co-worker who asked, “Are you busy?”  My response was, “No. Just listening to a guy speak cursive.”  On the other end I read, “What??”

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